June 30, 2009

This Week Links and News

  • I've found an interesting resource called FWA Photo. It is a "One Photo a Day" gallery. It has many great pictures, so explore it and enjoy!
  • Watch new episode of PhotoshopUser TV here.
  • Scott Kelby posted a very useful article about getting faster JPEG exports from Lightroom in his blog.
  • GridIron Flow is now selling! Visit GridIron site and find more about this program.

For more news and stuff you can follow me on Twitter.

June 14, 2009

Photographing Fire


Technique of making an impressive fire image is very simple. Firstly, you should take a photograph.An easy way to do that is to go to a family picnic. Use an "A" (aperture) mode and set the aperture setting from f/5,6 to f/11. When you're using this values, you will take really good sharp images. Then set exposure compensation to -1 EV due to have a dark background. I recommend to use telephoto lens, because you can use it away from bonfire and your equipment will be intact. The best way to have good final image is to shoot in raw.

The second step is postprocessing. In Photoshop your raw image firstly opens in Camera Raw module. The main option here is Blacks. Set it to 40 or higher to make background almost black. Also you can use temperarture to change hue of the flames.


(above you see settings, which I'm using in 90% of firey images)

To complete this postprocessing you can darken the background using Burn Tool and increase contrast using Curves or Levels. And it's done!